Monday, April 04, 2005

Owning Up!

I would really like to take all the credit and applause for my geniusness at being able to work out how to do the links, but it all must go to my dad. Who I might say didnt know how to do them either, but is clever enough to figure it out.
I on the other hand was setting the dinner table and still have no idea how the hell it is done. Will work it out one day.

On to other news... I am beginning to set myself up for dissapointment. Michelle only had 4 couples thru her house on the weekend :(
For some unexplained reason people just dont want to buy her house, even though it is a really nice place, selling for a really reasonable price. (I know someone else feeling the same frustration!)
She had 3 different couples come thru DURING THE WEEK last week, and not one has put in an offer.
Our settlement date is drawing ever closer, May 5, but she has to have a contract by April 21st. ARRRGH.
Soon Im going to have to start relying on those stoopid chain emails for good luck!

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