Tuesday, May 31, 2005

We're In.

Yes we finally made it!!
And its bloody fantastic, especially the ducted central heating. Sorry steve. Will write more later.
Lucy's first birthday went really well, the party was fun, and packing the dishwasher with all the dirty cups and dishes was even funner...
Will write more on this too, but later.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

10 - 9 - 8...

Well in just 10 whole days we will finally be in our new home. Hoo-bloody-ray.
We originally signed the contract with Michelle and Paul on the 24th Feb, and ironically are settling on the 24th May.
3 Months. Not anywhere near as long as Kaz and James, but still long enough to live in limbo land.
Our house at Fraser is looking very bare, as we begin to live on the bare minimum. And after this long weekend is over we will almost be living on the bones of our asses... (Ha - We wish).
We get the key to the garage on Mon and we will start moving our boxes and general crap in there, with only large items of furniture spending the last few days alone in the place while we clean.
Wow, have just re-read this and it is really boring... am going to go and get some sleep I think, as Im yawning so much its like Im chain yawning!!

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Yes this time its definate! Hoo-bloody-ray!
Our settlement date is May 24th, but hopefully we will be able to get in on the long weekend. Stay tuned for more details.

Anyway on Friday 29th April James, Karen, Lou, Jon and myself toddled off to see the always funny Ross Noble at the playhouse.
My God! I have never laughed so hard that I got a headache! It would of have to have been the funniest show I have ever seen. And I know four other people who would state the same.
Our jaws and sides were aching, and this was only by interval.
It was $40 bucks well spent! Im so glad we went.

Well this can only be a shortie, as we have two weeks to pack and get the flock outa here. Yah.