Monday, July 07, 2008

whats going on....

Having taken some time yet again to remember the damn password on this thing.......i swear - one day I will write it down!!!

Plenty of time has passed since I last wrote and had time to write and had time to sit and nut out the password business - and so many things happen.

Whats the buzz in our house at the moment?

Well Jon is going for his second interview for a Head Chef job at the Adelaide Zoo.
Actually he is going to that interview in 30mins - so good luck to him!
Hopefully this job - while keeping him doing the same hours in a day and in a week - will also have him doing less saturday/sundays and evenings .... fingers xxxxxx.
Which will be great! I miss going out with him, and he misses catching up with friends.

Other bits and pieces -
- Lucy begins full time kindy next term
- Aimee is 18months old & is being a very normal 18 mth old - destroying stuff, tantrums & sweetness all in 60 seconds - only to be repeated again & again for the 10 hours that she is awake.
- I have had my lovely varicose veins taken out of my leg, & apart from being incredibly painful in the first week or so - the leg is looking better each day.

Mini Skirts will be mine again!!! ha!