Monday, June 13, 2005


You know how excited I was to discover the funky setup by blogger... well bugger me but it doesnt work on my computer - obviously only on my dads! Come on Nerds help me out here!

My story today was going to begin a little differently, so please now ignore what you read above about me being very inept around these new fangled computer things, and read on....

SO I went to work this morning at 6am, which was pretty scary as I was the only one on and its been 3 years since I had arrived in the dark to a workplace all on my own, and seeing that this is in Richmond I was a little weirded out.
(FYI My work is four doors down from cart mania - yeah awful part of town)

I will go back a few hours in time and tell you that when I went to bed at 10pm I did say to Jon that I was worried about being there all on my own, and arriving in the dark.
I was worried for a few reasons -
1: I had to get out of my car and unlock the front gate
2: No-one told me if there was an alarm
3: N0-one had even told me where the light switches were!
(No-one being my 21 yr old, not yet qualified, superviser. Ha.)
I had a strong gut feeling, and they are usually right. Jon did say that if it was just a little later he would get Lucy up, and drive me down there, but 5:30am is just a tad early to be starting your day off with a one year old.

SO I arrive, get out, unlock the gate(alls ok no weirdo's hanging round). I unlock the front door (no alarm yet), change and go down to the bakery to begin work.
Luckily someone left 'A' light on, so I could just see my way round. So I skirted the walls looking for light switches, found many (8) only two worked, what a workplace!. Phew, I can see to work.
I cruised past the lockers, stopped, turned around and noticed that yes all of them were open and EVERYTHING that was once in them was now on the ground. You know that feeling you get when things just 'click' into place... well I got it.
Dum Dum Dum, our bakery had been ROBBED!
SHIT! I was here alone!
I then continued to look around, and saw other things that I had just walked by and not even noticed - the coke machine was smashed in, some food colour/flavour(very bright orange) was splashed across benches and the floor, and trays of pies had been walked across.
Bloody Hell. As if I was'nt freaked out enough...
I then heard a noise way down the other end of the bakery(otherwise known very fittingly as the dungeon - its very wet and dank as the crates and trays are washed down there).I didnt think much of it as I had been told that one of the workers would be coming in early and he always got in without a key! Great Security.
5 minutes later,he still hadnt wandered in.
FARK, hope it wasnt the robbers leaving...
So I did what any scared chick would do - I rang Jon and woke him up.
He said to call the police, but I didnt think it was my place. I would call the boss and let him handle it. But of course both bosses had their work phones off! (well it was 6:30am on a PH)
I thought that maybe I would lock back up, and go and sit at Cafe De Villis for 1.5 hours, as I knew someone was coming in then, and at $35 an hour I thought that was reasonable. But I also didnt wish to be at work for hours on end.
So I turned the radio up really loud,kept my bag and keys close by and peered round every corner before going round, Boy was I spooked!

At 8 the next lot of people came in, and all said the same 'wow' at being robbed', 'wonder what time it happened', everyone also felt a little freaked out to be there not long after it happend.

So the manager of SA's finest Bakery finally turned up at 9,and came down into the Bakery. He came and spoke to me first, which is odd in itself as Im the last person to be employed there???, didnt realise he liked me so much!
The first words out of his mouth were "So what about the burgulary hey?, We could'nt believe it when we got here yesterday"

Yes my friends, it happened the morning before and they left all the shit around for 24 hours so they could bring their camera in to take photos!
I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
My words "Perhaps you could have left a note, so that all of us here this morning wouldnt of had to freak out so much! You wanker...(didnt actually say this, but really wanted too!)
He replyed by saying they didnt think it was necessary. Hmmmm - Got any work going steve?

So yeah, SA's finest bakery is a great place to work, they really respect their workers and try to do the best by them at all times. Yah Im glad I work there.

Thats my story, good huh?

PS: Sorry it was a long one.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Review...

Wow Ive just logged on and discovered that Blogger now has this fantastic new setup where you can change colours, fonts etc. Thats great!
Ive come to my mums to bake a fruit cake, as our oven and new kitchen situation just isnt moving very fast. And seeing that fruit cake takes about 3 hours to bake, I thought that it was a perfect time to sit and blog and catch up and Lucy has her container of sultanas and dried apple, so she is quiet.

So our new house is just great. We have settled in really well, and are even up to 'doing things' in the back garden like pruning and tidying, and putting a side gate up.
Our neighbour over the back is extending the height of the fence by about 30cm, as he can see Jon in the kitchen cooking. Jon did comment that he would have to remember that when he was cooking naked!! Ewwww. So if your ever over for dinner and you find a hair in your meal....

We had Kaz, James, Jacquie and Ella over for dinner last night, and started what we hope to be a long standing tradition of a card night every month or two (or three or four!). We didnt actually play cards, but we played a form of scrabble called "take two", which is faster moving.
We had a great night, with garlic prawns for tea, and kids asleep all over the house.
Stay tuned for the next date for cards...

Well my two cakes are now cooked and Im off home to do some maintainence. Well Im actually off to buy a composte bin, doorbell and a washing line - sigh! The young guys at work asked me if I had been to the new casino bar....? Hah! With a shopping list like the one above I dont think so sonny!
Catch ya when the mud dries mate.