It has occurred to me that I haven't put a picture up for some time of our two cute little girlie's so here is some for you.....
Oh yes and by the way - we have a dog now - she is the one in the 1st picture - no I didnt give birth to a rather ugly child!!!
Her name is Bella - and I will write more on her later.
Things are good at our end, life is pretty busy, fun, sad, happy, teary, tired and all the other things that go with parenting!
Little Aimee is now 7 months old and is bum shuffling across the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aggghhhh! its way to early for me..... Lucy never moved till she was alot older - and I know I'm not ready for two movers....
Lucy is...well.... Lucy! she is still wearing all pink - but we have learnt now to just go with the flow and all are happy. When she wears all pink she gets dressed happily and runs off to play. Ahhh.
Jon has just quit his job..........! and now has 1.5 weeks to go till its all over. Thank goodness for that!
It will mean tho that his new job (when he eventually gets one!) will be back to normal hours - which will be tough to get used to - but there you go....
While surfing the net the other night - we have the stumble button- i came across this....
"The nice thing about internal piercings"
What the! Beg your pardon?.....Gives a great mental image doesnt it?
I would give a link but Im not sure of it - but if you wanted to find out more it was under Body Modification.... I was using stumble - so please dont think I go looking for these sort of things!!!
I must say tho that it was interesting site...
Playschool is finished so i had better be off....
Love the pic's can't wait to see you, Jon and the Girls!!! Miss you xxxx Hugs See you soon!!
Hey just read your comments, its not about the money, its that I can't officially be booted if I owe the crew money!!!! So it doesn't matter I can't have a boot party until I pay back the money!!!
anyway just thought I would clarify that. It was so great to see you yesterday, I look forward to new year or some time in between that!!!
Mel xx
It has occurred to me that I haven't put a picture up for some time of our two cute little girlie's so here is some for you.....
I think you might find that it is the ONLY you have posted of Aimee so far!
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