Monday, November 21, 2005

Why are we waiting? We are suffocating...

Well my last post was on November 7th and I was saying that my future little nephew still hadn't poked his head out (eeewww that's gross!), and now its November 21st
and he still hasn't arrived!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats keeping you Perryn (his name when he is FINALLY born)?????

I think Adrienne is being induced on Wed this week, so by Thursday it should be definite.

Anyway life here in the Hogan household is all good.
Jon has just finished a mammoth month of working, spending most Friday nights and full weekends at the uni. I know that all the funtions went off without a hitch and everyone attending were most impressed with the food - I didn't expect much different really - as we all know what a great chef he is...

Our beach night last week was good and this time we were joined by kaz, james and will.
And by the way if you are looking for a council BBQ (either free or 20c) along the beach front - don't bother looking - just go to the ONLY one- which is at the West Beach sailing club (its a free one too).

After much searching up and down looking for the one Jon and I had bbq'ed at some time ago -
In jons memory it was only a short while ago and it was a council one- in my memory it was 9 years ago and we had bought our own!!!!!- we finally sat down to eat delish "McMummies" hamburgers.
We then walked to glenelg and back, partaking in Mc Sundaes. Yum.

Lucy and I also attended the TTG Christmas pageant, which was good fun. We caught heaps of lollies and waved at the strange people sitting in their tinsel covered was just like being at the city one...
I am really excited about xmas this year - Lucy saw a lit up christmas tree the other day and was fascinated, Hooray only 33 more days to go....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I didn't expect much different really - as we all know what a great chef he is..."

AWWW Shucks thanks Babe
