Well my news this time is that I have resigned from my position at the Greatest ever bakery!!
I have been threatening to for weeks, well maybe months, and now it is done. My last day is on Sunday and hopefully it should only be a 3 - 4 hour shift.
We made this rather large decision on tugs evening, after I spent the day madly running round getting things organised for the next four, as I had to work extra days due to that special day just for men with offspring!
And my poor little Lucy was left to her own devices - which is not good for a 15 month old who can have the attention span of a goldfish with ADD!
By the end of the day we were both exhausted. Me from doing the washing thru to mopping floors and Lucy from trying to my attention all day. Then I had the prospect of getting up at 5.45am and going work.
Sooner or later somethings gotta give - and regrettably Lucy wont go back in!!
They were a little disappointed that I was leaving, even asking what they could do to get me to stay! And while this is the best compliment they could of given, there still is nothing so great that would keep me there. OH ok maybe for $50 an hour...
And anyway how could you NOT stay at home all day with this cute-drool encrusted-bather wearing on the outside-happy little girl!
I realise now that my time is meant for her and her incredibly fast, sponge like brain, and I can go to work outside the home when she is at school.
Also I'm lucky to have a skill that can and will be used at home, and now have about 8 cakes booked in for the next 6-7 weeks.
Already tonight I feel a lightening on my shoulders, and all the projects I have been meaning to do are suddenly popping back into my head, perhaps now I'm a 'lady of leisure' I should re-organise my superannuation... Now there's an idea for a quiet Saturday evening!!
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