Notice something new???? Yes the colour has changed and a photo has been added.. and surprising as it may all seem the ATO really did help me to do this.
This year we decided that we would go to an accountant to lodge our tax, but at the last minute changed our minds and downloaded E-Tax off the net.
Having then spent an enthralling Saturday evening completing this tax return for both of us, we tried to lodge it on line, but this stoopid little error bar kept coming up showing that I had an error in sector/quadrant/ clingons-on-the-starboard-bow -V9999, and to go back and check all my 'imported data'!
(Having checked it 4 times it still wouldn't work, so we rang the help desk - ahh negative captain - they don't operate on weekends.)
So I rang today and got thru to this chick who couldn't pronounce her R's, which is almost funny when she starts to say things like quadruple - coming out something like Quadooople - hee hee.
Now that little error was sorted, another came up. So rang the help desk again, quoted my job number only to find that I would need a new one - thank goodness I don't have to deal in computer nerd speak all day it would drive me insane!
It turns out (after much promting to go into the little help word at the top to of your internet explorer) that we are running version 5 and not version 6!!!!!!!
So I then download said version 6, on a dial up, taking a grand total of 1 hour 17 mins. Finally its done - (but then I had to wait for the stupid installation)
My good news is that we are all lodged, and expect to be delivered something tidy from tax dudes. But a further bonus is that I now have the funky little bar thing at the top of my blogger screen and I can put photos on, hooooraaay!
So that means that you are now privileged to view recent masterpieces from my little lucy.... We like to call it ' Poo's afloat'.
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