Thursday, September 15, 2005

Did you know Gullible has been taken out of the dictionary?

Here is what happened at Jon's work the other day:

Sharon (a cafe waitress) to Jon: "What are Chick Peas?"
(now for those who don't know Jon very well he can't resist throwing out that baited hook..)
Jon: "Well they are female peas"
S: "Huh?"
J: "There are female peas - called Chick Peas, and male peas - called Bloke Peas. The chick peas are ok for human consumption, but bloke peas are inedible and are fed to cattle.
S: (confused pause) "So what about the green peas then?"
J: "Well they are baby peas. When they reach maturity, there sex is decided - hence bloke and chick peas."
S:(pauses while digesting this marvel of nature) "Its all just too confusing" (and walks off shaking her head)
Jon and his co-worker could barely contain their laughter....

Jon was relaying the story to another worker a couple of days later, who then mentioned to Sharon that Jon was perhaps pulling her leg with the Chick Pea story...
Sharon replied to her that no he couldn't be lying as she had told friends at a dinner party the night before, about the Chick and Bloke Peas, and none of them had said that she was wrong - in fact they had all been impressed with her knowledge on the subject of peas....

Hee hee hee

1 comment:

mogcat said...

Nice one Lea. Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall.