Here is what happened at Jon's work the other day:
Sharon (a cafe waitress) to Jon: "What are Chick Peas?"
(now for those who don't know Jon very well he can't resist throwing out that baited hook..)
Jon: "Well they are female peas"
S: "Huh?"
J: "There are female peas - called Chick Peas, and male peas - called Bloke Peas. The chick peas are ok for human consumption, but bloke peas are inedible and are fed to cattle.
S: (confused pause) "So what about the green peas then?"
J: "Well they are baby peas. When they reach maturity, there sex is decided - hence bloke and chick peas."
S:(pauses while digesting this marvel of nature) "Its all just too confusing" (and walks off shaking her head)
Jon and his co-worker could barely contain their laughter....
Jon was relaying the story to another worker a couple of days later, who then mentioned to Sharon that Jon was perhaps pulling her leg with the Chick Pea story...
Sharon replied to her that no he couldn't be lying as she had told friends at a dinner party the night before, about the Chick and Bloke Peas, and none of them had said that she was wrong - in fact they had all been impressed with her knowledge on the subject of peas....
Hee hee hee
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
I'm addicted to Hi-5!!
Its pretty serious, and has some very bad repercussions. Like wasting hours of my weeks, taking precious time away from Lucy, not attending to cakes that need baking (and that Im getting paid to make!), it makes my arse larger and my eyes squarer...
Lucy has gone to my sister in laws for the day, as I have four cakes for this weekend, and having a fifteen month old hanging off your legs all day makes it very difficult.
So I have been on my own since 9am - running around, baking cakes, making chocolate slats and doing all the things you need to do to decorate a cake.
And as per usual I watch (and maybe cry a little) Oprah at 2-3pm, at 3pm Hewi is on, who I hate but he is just background noise, and then Judge Judy is on at 3.30pm, which is when I normally turn the TV over to Hi-5 for lucy to watch while I have 30 minutes of 'free' time.
So today being on my own and all you'd think that I could just turn the tele off after Oprah and go right on with my cake making.... no! I found myself turning the channel to see what song they were singing at the start of the show and then SITTING down to enjoy it.
You see you gotta check out what funky outfits the girls are wearing, how cute Tim is looking, what stupid moves Nathan does, what jup jup steals from Kathleen....
Mmmm thats Bad!
(The worst thing is I forgot what Tims name was, and just went onto their homepage (no its not in favourites!) to find out and then started looking through their webpage, its pretty good.)
I have also found myself on days when Lucy is home and she is watching Hi-5, sitting down to enjoy it with her. This is generally when she decides she has had enough and wanders off to find something else to destroy and I just sit there still watching.
According to Oprah, you need councelling if you have an addiction, wonder if there are any that specialise in this field?
Friday, September 02, 2005
The meaning of Life - well my life anyway!

Well my news this time is that I have resigned from my position at the Greatest ever bakery!!
I have been threatening to for weeks, well maybe months, and now it is done. My last day is on Sunday and hopefully it should only be a 3 - 4 hour shift.
We made this rather large decision on tugs evening, after I spent the day madly running round getting things organised for the next four, as I had to work extra days due to that special day just for men with offspring!
And my poor little Lucy was left to her own devices - which is not good for a 15 month old who can have the attention span of a goldfish with ADD!
By the end of the day we were both exhausted. Me from doing the washing thru to mopping floors and Lucy from trying to my attention all day. Then I had the prospect of getting up at 5.45am and going work.
Sooner or later somethings gotta give - and regrettably Lucy wont go back in!!
They were a little disappointed that I was leaving, even asking what they could do to get me to stay! And while this is the best compliment they could of given, there still is nothing so great that would keep me there. OH ok maybe for $50 an hour...
And anyway how could you NOT stay at home all day with this cute-drool encrusted-bather wearing on the outside-happy little girl!
I realise now that my time is meant for her and her incredibly fast, sponge like brain, and I can go to work outside the home when she is at school.
Also I'm lucky to have a skill that can and will be used at home, and now have about 8 cakes booked in for the next 6-7 weeks.
Already tonight I feel a lightening on my shoulders, and all the projects I have been meaning to do are suddenly popping back into my head, perhaps now I'm a 'lady of leisure' I should re-organise my superannuation... Now there's an idea for a quiet Saturday evening!!
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