* You spend a warm Thursday afternoon trying to pick sticky little Head Lice out of your daughters EYELASHES.......
Yes - we have come home from Holidays at a CP to find that Lucy has somehow been near someone who has the delicate yet determined little creatures - and now has them herself.
We have spent the last week wondering what the little dirt spots are just behind her ears, on her temple and at the base of her hairline... and on the eyelashes of her Right eye...the GP confirmed it - Louse.
I really assumed that I would not have to deal with this until school days - turns out I was wrong.
Having never had to deal with this myself - yes I have had them but it was always up to good old mum to fix - now 'I da mum' and holy shit I find myself with the problem that needs solving.
We have fixed the hair - and have put off and put off the unfavorable task of tackling the eyelashes. But now it must be done.
We are well prepared - we have googled "how to get nits out of eyelashes", checked the Child and Youth Health website, have been to the chemist, have vaseline, cotton tips, tweezers, face wipes, tissues, a movie, some chocolate for bribing to keep still and best of all a Magnifying glass.
So here goes....
Will keep all those enthralled posted.....
Makes you just itchy thinking about it Huh????
So true about making you feel itchy!!!! Poor Lucy I can't believe she has to get them in her eyelashes!!!!
Here's a little tip that stops tachers getting lice...
Lie don't like hairspray or geys etc. Give them a little squirt before they head off to school or children's parties and you'll significantly lower your chances of having them :)
I've neer heard of them min eye lashes before... you should write to a magazine.. could make millions.
Sorry.. after spell check that was...
Here's a little tip that stops teachers getting lice...
Lice don't like hairspray or gels etc. Give them a little squirt before they head off to school or children's parties and you'll significantly lower your chances of having them :)
I've never heard of them in eye lashes before... you should write to a magazine.. could make millions.
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