Having taken some time yet again to remember the damn password on this thing.......i swear - one day I will write it down!!!
Plenty of time has passed since I last wrote and had time to write and had time to sit and nut out the password business - and so many things happen.
Whats the buzz in our house at the moment?
Well Jon is going for his second interview for a Head Chef job at the Adelaide Zoo.
Actually he is going to that interview in 30mins - so good luck to him!
Hopefully this job - while keeping him doing the same hours in a day and in a week - will also have him doing less saturday/sundays and evenings .... fingers xxxxxx.
Which will be great! I miss going out with him, and he misses catching up with friends.
Other bits and pieces -
- Lucy begins full time kindy next term
- Aimee is 18months old & is being a very normal 18 mth old - destroying stuff, tantrums & sweetness all in 60 seconds - only to be repeated again & again for the 10 hours that she is awake.
- I have had my lovely varicose veins taken out of my leg, & apart from being incredibly painful in the first week or so - the leg is looking better each day.
Mini Skirts will be mine again!!! ha!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Ways in which you know your a MUM.... 2
Your one year old wanders in to see you in the laundry - holding a chunk of POO, and throws in on the floor next to you - as if to say "this would be yours"............
A complete clean out
Times are busy in our household - and have been so for the last 5 months - ever since Jon began his new job.
Free time is not as readily available and everything gets put on a list to do - scaling from whats important (like family time and household stuff ) to whats not, and unfortunately blogging and facebook are WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY down the bottom - or should I say they are the bottom.
So forgive me if i never reply to your requests for 'chump biting' or 'Likness Ratings' tests... I just dont have time to spend doing any of it. Although for the positive side - feel free to use my name as one on the 20 people needed to find out the results of said quizzes.... I wont be offended.
Having said we have minimum free time - we are almost at the end of a very long 2 months sorting out the girls bedrooms and my study.
Lucy has gone into her own room, which needed painting.
Seeing Jon only has the whole day of Tuesdays to do anything constructive (while Im home from work) it has taken some time. And then the good old heatwave hit - slowing things even more.
It took us 5 weeks (tuesdays) to paint the room white....
Next tues: we had to swap furniture from one room to the other - what a mess...and then sort out clothes, toys and hundreds of drawings of faces, families, dolls, stickers and general scribble.
Next tues: Aimee's room, cleaning out baby stuff, toys and too small clothes.
Next tues: buy the third (yet wonderful!) ikea storage unit, put it together, which by the way was timed.... speed of 45 mins!! He is after all an expert by now...- move crap out of the way and install.
Next tues: today... sort out said crap, put away stuff and throw out all sorts of rubbish.
Hopefully it will all be over soon and we can go back it using our dining room, lounge, family room and hallway for what they were meant for - Not as storage area's.
All this brings me to the reason for writing this blog (while Jon cleans the kitchen and other area's up of the evidence that we have small children living here) and feeling incredibly guilty for doing so - so I shall make it quick.
Gift Bags........
Why? When? How come me?
Why do people continue to give gifts in them? Yes I know they are pretty, and cheap - and they make 'wrapping' a gift a whole lot easier.
When did this all begin? Seems like only in the last two to three years - and suddenly we have been overwhelmed with them...
How come me - why do I have the compulsion to keep them, not wanting to throw out such pretty yet handy bags, in the vain hope of re-using them one day.
But never, Never, NEVER even re-using one......
So tonight - they go.
I know Im a hoarder - but only of things that have some purpose, and maybe someday a place on a scrapbook page - but these bags......
So thats it - I have had enough of them and of the laziness and unfunness that they come labeled with. In the Bin.
Please dont be offended if you are a gift bag giver - I have nothing against other people giving them, to me or my children. I just wont pretend anymore that I too shall do so.
I love unwrapping a gift - just ask my family - I am well known as the one who unpicks the sticky tape so to be able to 're-use' the paper, and unwraps so slowly that they all yell out "just rip it".
I love the anticipation of not being able to see instantly what it is - I love the slow revealing of whats hidden inside - and I love the fact that paper can be re-used......
So I am going to stick to that old fashioned way - whether liked or not.
Free time is not as readily available and everything gets put on a list to do - scaling from whats important (like family time and household stuff ) to whats not, and unfortunately blogging and facebook are WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY down the bottom - or should I say they are the bottom.
So forgive me if i never reply to your requests for 'chump biting' or 'Likness Ratings' tests... I just dont have time to spend doing any of it. Although for the positive side - feel free to use my name as one on the 20 people needed to find out the results of said quizzes.... I wont be offended.
Having said we have minimum free time - we are almost at the end of a very long 2 months sorting out the girls bedrooms and my study.
Lucy has gone into her own room, which needed painting.
Seeing Jon only has the whole day of Tuesdays to do anything constructive (while Im home from work) it has taken some time. And then the good old heatwave hit - slowing things even more.
It took us 5 weeks (tuesdays) to paint the room white....
Next tues: we had to swap furniture from one room to the other - what a mess...and then sort out clothes, toys and hundreds of drawings of faces, families, dolls, stickers and general scribble.
Next tues: Aimee's room, cleaning out baby stuff, toys and too small clothes.
Next tues: buy the third (yet wonderful!) ikea storage unit, put it together, which by the way was timed.... speed of 45 mins!! He is after all an expert by now...- move crap out of the way and install.
Next tues: today... sort out said crap, put away stuff and throw out all sorts of rubbish.
Hopefully it will all be over soon and we can go back it using our dining room, lounge, family room and hallway for what they were meant for - Not as storage area's.
All this brings me to the reason for writing this blog (while Jon cleans the kitchen and other area's up of the evidence that we have small children living here) and feeling incredibly guilty for doing so - so I shall make it quick.
Gift Bags........
Why? When? How come me?
Why do people continue to give gifts in them? Yes I know they are pretty, and cheap - and they make 'wrapping' a gift a whole lot easier.
When did this all begin? Seems like only in the last two to three years - and suddenly we have been overwhelmed with them...
How come me - why do I have the compulsion to keep them, not wanting to throw out such pretty yet handy bags, in the vain hope of re-using them one day.
But never, Never, NEVER even re-using one......
So tonight - they go.
I know Im a hoarder - but only of things that have some purpose, and maybe someday a place on a scrapbook page - but these bags......
So thats it - I have had enough of them and of the laziness and unfunness that they come labeled with. In the Bin.
Please dont be offended if you are a gift bag giver - I have nothing against other people giving them, to me or my children. I just wont pretend anymore that I too shall do so.
I love unwrapping a gift - just ask my family - I am well known as the one who unpicks the sticky tape so to be able to 're-use' the paper, and unwraps so slowly that they all yell out "just rip it".
I love the anticipation of not being able to see instantly what it is - I love the slow revealing of whats hidden inside - and I love the fact that paper can be re-used......
So I am going to stick to that old fashioned way - whether liked or not.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Ways in which you know your a MUM

* You spend a warm Thursday afternoon trying to pick sticky little Head Lice out of your daughters EYELASHES.......
Yes - we have come home from Holidays at a CP to find that Lucy has somehow been near someone who has the delicate yet determined little creatures - and now has them herself.
We have spent the last week wondering what the little dirt spots are just behind her ears, on her temple and at the base of her hairline... and on the eyelashes of her Right eye...the GP confirmed it - Louse.
I really assumed that I would not have to deal with this until school days - turns out I was wrong.
Having never had to deal with this myself - yes I have had them but it was always up to good old mum to fix - now 'I da mum' and holy shit I find myself with the problem that needs solving.
We have fixed the hair - and have put off and put off the unfavorable task of tackling the eyelashes. But now it must be done.
We are well prepared - we have googled "how to get nits out of eyelashes", checked the Child and Youth Health website, have been to the chemist, have vaseline, cotton tips, tweezers, face wipes, tissues, a movie, some chocolate for bribing to keep still and best of all a Magnifying glass.
So here goes....
Will keep all those enthralled posted.....
Makes you just itchy thinking about it Huh????
Haven't had much time to myself lately to do any blogging - now that Jon has his new position my evenings are mainly spent getting myself and the girls tea and into bed - and sometimes cleaning the house gets a look in. Sounds fun Huh.... you betcha.
But have now found myself with a free hour - bliss - so thought I would come and do a little typing.
Will try to do so more frequently if I can - surely 10 minutes out of my busy day cant be too hard to find.... Can it???
But have now found myself with a free hour - bliss - so thought I would come and do a little typing.
Will try to do so more frequently if I can - surely 10 minutes out of my busy day cant be too hard to find.... Can it???
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