Friday, June 29, 2007

Latest member of the Humphries Clan

Introducing my gorgeous new niece Gracie Anne Curtis

Born on June 23rd 2.18am
Weight: 7lb 15oz - 3.6kg
Length: 50cm

And pretty cute too I might add.....

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Check out my new do......

Not bad huh????

The spot on the side of my nose is not a pimple - its a nose ring....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Little sister.....& other things

This is a picture of my younger sister at 39 weeks pregnant.... and for those of you who know her - its amazing huh!?!
Who would of thought that little 'kayls' is gonna be a mummy! She is due in 10 days, and is having their little girl on Kangaroo Island - seeing they live there now.

My mum spent 5 days over the long weekend with her & Dustin & the bump. Kayla was getting restless, homesick and all the other things you get when you are that heavily prego - so mum thought it would be good to spend some quality time together.They had a great time catching up, having cooking lessons and generally taking it easy. We wont be seeing kayla & dustin until after '???' is born - and personally I cant wait till she comes.
This new addition will be the 7th grandchild (the 5th grand-daughter) for mum & dad, & make our family add up to the grand old sum of 17!!!!! Its a big table needed just for a regular evening get together.
People often wonder why my parents bought a bigger house - well now you know.
I reckon as well that the number could be nearer to 20 in the next few years.... (no not me - this shop is shut!!) but other siblings of mine have talked bout having more. Wow, our own cub pack....

Anyway onto the 'other things'....

This morning i found myself being discharged from Hospital. What! Why? you ask....

Well on Tuesday evening I went along to the gym (that I have just joined - our holiday in the tropical waters gets ever closer....) & on leaving I noticed that I had a headache. Unusual but....

Then on Wednesday, while again at the gym my headache started up soon after I began - even more unusual but I carried on.
20 mins into exercising my headache suddenly went into a full blown migraine that left me swaying unsteadily on my feet, nauseous & holding my head - while a particular vein running from the bottom of my skull, up behind my ear & into my temple began thumping in a rhythm that would have rivaled anything WOMAD could have dished up....

Boy oh Boy - does that scare the be-jesus out of you.
I had to call my parents to come & pick me up & then they looked after the kids while Jon took me to A&E.
7pm....There was a four hour wait, & I was given a triage rating of 4 - but upon checking, my blood pressure was high & I had no strength in my right side - so I was quickly put onto a bed & pushed up the list. They were worried that I had had a bleed in my brain... yikes.

After a CT scan, & a visit from a surgeon at 4am - who told me that I would be admitted, would be transported to RAH for an MRI, & surgery would be discussed following that - I was wheeled into a ward at 5.30am.... Yes that was a LONG night is A&E.
(Poor Jon spent the time on a plastic chair & both of us tried to keep away from the terrible blasts of cold air. Turns out I had been put in the infectious diseases room, that has a separate air con from rest of the hospital - fark it was cold.)

My ward had 5 other older woman in it, ranging from 55 to 87, & when I woke at 8am (by the breakfast trolley being wheeled in -rattle,chingching,rattle) I initially thought.... well you know... but it turns out they were all lovely oldies, friendly & up for some chatting.

So my headache had gone (thankfully) & I was feeling great by the time the docs rolled around on their morning rounds, I was quickly downgraded from having an MRI to just (?) having a Lumbar Puncture. And as the day wore on it was obvious to all that I was ok & not in any serious trouble. Was actually starting feel like a complete fool....
My Lumbar Puncture, which was at 6pm last night, was fun.... & as they had suspected was completely clear (both fluid & diagnosis!).
And I was free to leave - only after spending 4 hours lying on my back following the procedure, but as it was past 10pm at night they thought I would have a better nights rest in hosp & be able to leave in the morning - first thing.

And at 10.30 am this morning (funny my first thing in the morning is around 6.30) I was finally given the ok to leave.
Their final diagnosis - muscular skeletal strain. In other words - a migraine. yah. sigh.

I feel ok still, but just have a a bit of a back ache - which is understandable really.

Amazing just what can happen in the space of 36 hours!

Friday, June 01, 2007

The heir to my title turns the Big 3!

Yes, its true.... 3 years of my life!
Seems like only yesterday that I was worried over whether or not she was getting enough room with my ribs in the way....
And now she is my big girl. And isn't she gorgeous!!!!

Lucy had a lovely birthday - lots of fun, laughter, presents and of course tears.

Isn't every girl allowed to cry on their birthday?

We are now a household of 4 Barbie dolls..... doesnt seem that long ago that I was playing with them.

She just loves them, and of course the Barbie dress that Aimee kindly gave to her (she went to the shops with money and everything!!!).

The dress was and still is a big hit - today is day 3 of wearing it... it will have to come off soon for a wash!

Unfortunately it doesn't come with washing instructions - strange???

Perhaps the makers realise -and correctly- that the little girls (or to be PC-children) who get given the dress will NEVER take it off, so the need to wash it will never arise..... who knows?

Anyway, we are off to her pa pa's house tonight for a family BBQ (in this weather??) birthday dinner for her, and we have an afternoon tea on Sunday with my family for her birthday.
Whew. What a social life that girl has :)

She has been and will be thoroughly spoilt.....
And all I have to say about that is - why shouldn't she........