Well January 10th 2007 is here and I'm officially 40 weeks pregnant.
I can say that I have never ever been this pregnant in my life before - and probably won't ever be again.
A sad thing really.
These last few weeks have been pretty busy (and very slow at the same time) for us.
We got home from a fantastic two and a bit weeks on Holidays at the beach - of which I meant to write about, but I'm not so sure that will ever happen now!!
And we have spent the time relaxing, visiting, sleeping in, changing the house around (of course..) and generally getting ready for our new little arrival.
But just to add to all the excitement my delightful, fully inherited, have had them since I was 19 yrs old, Varicose Veins have decided that they really liked all the aspirin that I have been taking since week 9 of this pregnancy, and they are seriously not happy with the fact that now it is week 38, the good stuff has been stopped and they have had to work on their own to keep the blood flowing smoothly up and down my legs. They obviously all got together one evening and decided to boycott and block up - giving me an excruciating leg cramp from thigh to heel for a day and very painful blockages in the surface veins.
Due to the great fear of DVT ( Deep Vein Thrombosis) now going about, I was immediately admitted to hospital, given painkillers for the cramps and an ultrasound on my legs to make certain no little renegade clot would act like a suicide bomber and make its way up to my heart or brain. Thus damaging me and the little 'lump' (often referred to as "Aggie") I'm carrying around.
Luckily all was ok down in the Deep Veins running below my knee - and I was discharged from Hospital later that day - with the advice to take some paracetemol for the pain - and to come in if the pain gets worse.
Which of course it did. And did I go back in - No. Why? Cos I'm a stubborn one.
I did go back in for my ante-natal clinic 5 days later, at 39 weeks, telling them the cramps and painful blockages had been round for the last 5 days now and my brain was getting very foggy with the pain.
The Doc ran her hand along the length of my calf to 'feel' the blockages and I was left clinging on to the ceiling with my finger nails due to the pain. I was admitted again.
This time they did something better about it and ordered me back onto Clexane, which is an anti-coagulant (I think) which helps to keep my blood from clotting too much (people please do not attempt to write a medical thesis on my notes! I bake cakes remember.....) -but is a bit stonger then the simple old asprin.
But of course I make this out to sound as if it all happened in the space of 2-3 hours... Ha ha how wrong you all are.
I had my clinic at 9am, was admitted at 12 noon and had the first injection at 5pm. Time moves slowly in hosp.
After sitting in an uncomfortable, crunchy sounding, sweat inducing plastic covered hospital bed for 29 hours - I asked to go home. Which they willingly let me - they were busy in the maternity ward.
( Seeing I had a double room and had to listen to a young girl in the early stages of labor from 6pm to 4.30am.....all that moaning and heavy breathing is enough to put you off going into labor yourself!)
But I had to take the Clexane home and inject myself daily. This was of no worry to me as I had to do the same with Lucy's pregnancy.
Funny though that all my 6 injection points are marked with a small red spot - the one the midwife did in hospital is marked with a large ,raised red spot large and an even larger blue and purple bruise!!!
That was last Thursday.... and today I have had anther ante-natal clinic -my 40 weeker. Which was just as uncomfortable.
They wanted me to see the veins specialist - and the ante-natal docs, but unfortunately each doc kept pushing my name to the back hoping that the other one would see to me first.........................................................................................................So they wouldn't have to make the final decision. Keeping me waiting for 2 HOURS.
Oh yes really comfortable when you are on hard plastic hospital waiting room chairs, have a large head sitting in your pelvis and it is 39 deg outside.
Eventually I was seen, after going up to the counter and asking just what was happening, and they had already decided (when they realised their mistake and the time that I had waited) that they will induce me. HOORAY!
So Yes, by the time that this is read by most people I will be yet again sitting in that uncomfortable, crunchy sounding, sweat inducing, plastic covered hospital bed - but this time I should have a little baby in my arms....or so pretty bloody close to it that Jon should be ordering the flowers and some beers.... Ha ha.
So Yeah. Not much else to say now really.
Except that in only 24 - 30 more hours I can take my really attractive, sexy, thick support stockings off for the last time.
And burn the bastards............................ HE HE he heeeee heee haaa haaaaa Haaaa Hoooooo hoooooo Ha ha ha!
(Very manic laughter from someone about to under go immense amount of pain!!!!!!)
See you on the other side people, a side where I can lay on my tummy, Do up my sneakers, wash my legs, and walk for more than 20 metres with out being in pain........
Looking forward to reading about your new arrival!
Good luck with the birth, can't wait to hear all about little Aggie!
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