Thursday, June 29, 2006


And introducing to you all the newest member of the Hogan family...

A name does not yet exist for the little alien like creature - but Butthead may or may not be used.
We used to call Lucy in-utero Beavis - but Butthead does not hold the same appeal for me. Hmmm not sure why?!

I have included a stick figure to help all those people who can't work out ultrasound pics...they are very much like those 3D images that were a huge craze in the 90's. You either get or you don't!

Some amazing facts and figures:

- it is 5.5cm long <____________________> Wow that's tiny!

- it already has eyes that are fully formed - but are fused shut for the while.

- it has all its genatalia - and a trained eye can work out what sex it is - apparently.
(A penis would be bout 1mm long - wow that's tiny!)

- it wriggles like there's no tomorrow.

-it has fingernails

- it will be coming in 6 months!

Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I think it has John's eyes :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful drawing Lucy!