Well today we had to do what most dog owners dread - we had to have Sannie put down.
And let me tell you -IT SUCKED! IT SUCKED! IT SUCKED! and then IT SUCKED some more.
We have had her in our family for 11 years.
We picked her out of the Sat 'tiser, went to a house that was full of stoned boys, and paid the whopping sum of $25 for her - which probably went straight into buying more dope...
She has been a really great dog, very loyal, loves a walk & all the other doggie stuff. But had been getting very cranky in the last few years - old age maybe - new child in the family- terrible arthritis - lots of reasons.
Being a cattle dog she could also be very quick to 'nip' at heels of anyone running by (sorry again Mel!) and we were always nervously watchful whenever children were round.
But the crankiness began to become too noticeable.
She would consistently growl anytime that Lucy came near.... (who by the way is an extreme animal lover - eek)
And had 'nipped' Lucy a few months ago - on the arm.
But when she did it again on Tuesday -this time her face - we knew we had to make the awful decision.
And it was so hard - as we had to have her destroyed on the potential that she may do it again - but next time could be worse.....
Decisions like that you just want to sweep under the carpet and ignore - but I didn't really want to end up on 'Today-Tonight'... (James would never let me hear the end of that!).. so we had to decide.
And unfortunately the Animal Welfare League is only open 10am-4pm, which meant that I had to take her down there.
We could of waited until Sunday - when we both were free - but it would of been just terrible having to count down the days.
Michelle at the Animal Welfare was just lovely and has a 3 year old child- so could completely understand what I was saying - and was so unjudgemental... my biggest worry!
What sucked the most was that because the reason we were having her put down was due to a 'bite' - I had to muzzle her before they would handle her......I know, I know OH&S rules....but it is still awful and she hated it. Its is not the best image to finish with.
(I could have gone and seen her 'after', but I just didnt think I could manage that)
It was a very strange car trip home, and an even more unusual sight to see the back patio door deserted.
I know my head tho that we have made the best decision.
RIP San... May you run free forever.
RIP Sannie. When are you guys getting the next dog?
I'm so sorry Lea, my heart goes out to you.
All my love, Cat.
Gosh, I'm all teared up just reading this....
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