I haven’t written for a while because life is just soooo busy. And the funny thing is – it’s about to get a whole lot busier!!!
This baby is only 8 weeks away from arriving and the doubt about how easy life will be once she arrives is starting to set in.
We went away overnight this weekend just gone, to Goolwa – and it was great. It was to have been a girl’s weekend, organized by another friend, but everyone pulled out bar me (what commitment!). So we decided to go halves in the cabin – and her family stayed Friday night and mine stayed Sat.
We stayed in a cabin in the local Tourist Park, which I must say is something we never do. Well we stay in Tourist Parks – but only ever camping in a tent or in our camper trailer. I think that this is a throw back from both of our childhoods.
I - Having grown up in a family of 6 – and throw in the Scouting factor – Tenting was the only style of home we knew when staying in a Tourist Park.
And Jon’s family were big on rough-ing it. They didn’t even get to stay in caravan parks.
So on entering into the cabin I knew nothing of the greatness I was about to see…. They have their own bloody toilets and showers!!! How good is that?
And to those of you who have either been or are pregnant – your own personal toilet is wonderful.
No walking across other peoples space, in the dark, at 2.30am to empty a bladder that feels so bursting that you can’t roll over or sleep – only to find that the ‘very full’ bladder only contains about 20ml of liquid!! Arrrgghh.
But anyway apart from wonderful amenities, we did have a great weekend.
We walked down the main street of Goolwa – stopped at the local “Dolly & Lolly” shop (what pure bliss!), and ended up on the River front.
There we discovered a new Brewery, Called “Steam Exchange Brewery”, has only been open for 6weeks and is housed in an old warehouse. It was really funky. Jon sampled a few of their beers – which is made much easier to do so cos they do ‘tasting’ glasses for $2.00. Bargain. He found them to be very delicious. Lucy and I settled in to drink our cool glasses of water and eat the chocs bought from afore-mentioned Lolly Shop.
On our way back to cabin Jon wanted to stop and test out his new, you beaut stunt kite. No expense was spared on this baby…He bought it from those door-to-door sellers for the princely sum of $12.00.
Lucy and I played on the playground while Jon wrestled with the bloody thing. It was a pretty gusty afternoon down in the south – so he was having all sorts of trouble getting up into the sky.
I kinda felt sorry for him struggling on his own – but with a belly as large as mine (I'm 32 weeks prego) its just so hard to keep running after a kite, let alone bend down and pick it up.
He did persevere for about 20 mins and to give him credit he didn’t get cranky at all. But we decided that it is best left in the packet until we hit the beach – where there will be all other family members at the ready to help… Sorry Jonnie – I’m just too ungainly when running at the moment!!!
Sat night was Fish & Chips – ‘Red Faces’ re-runs, a little of ‘Wizard of Oz’ and then all of ‘Happy Gilmore’. Good.Good.Good.
Rarely do we get to sit and watch a movie at home, so just to do this was great.
Sun morning was spent leisurely eating hot crumpets (ooohh that sounds rude – no nothing happened –we have a two yr old and a big fat belly remember), and slowly packing up.
We headed into Victor to catch the Horse Tram across to Granite Island. Which was fantastic. Children under 4 are free – which is even better…
The weather was absolutely beautiful – no clouds and about 28deg. Pity we didn’t take sunscreen!! We hiked up the stairs to the top and posed for some pici’s, and then came down to sit in the shade to await the return trip on the tram.
It wasn’t a long stay on the island as it was just too hot for me to walk for any length of time – but it would have been lovely!
We had a picnic lunch on the grass in front of the Crown Hotel – and headed home.
Stopping at friends in McLaren Vale for a cuppa, Medlow Chocolates for a top up on lollies & Jon’s parents for dinner.
Wow what a great weekend.