Its a GIRL!!!!!
Yes now I can introduce you to little "aggie"... don't panic - its just a nickname. You will find out what her real name is when she is born!
We even know it yet.
I don't think that I need to put a mud map picture to this ultra-sound - although I could learn to use the scanner on photoshop a little better.
But it is obviously the profile of her little head. That has a circumference of 5cm. Soo Tiny!
I am now 21 weeks into this journey and I am getting larger, looking larger & feeling larger.
Its really amazing how you forget all the little tiny niggly things that go hand in hand with pregnancy. Heart palpatations, terrible dreams, sleeping on your side while your ever expanding gut hangs lopsidedly, head colds that you just cant take anything for..... I shall stop now for fear of putting anyone off.
There are obviously good, no even great things that also go hand in hand with pregnancy - but if you want to hear them - come talk to me later.
Later that is AFTER I have re-folded all the washing - that Lucy has lovingly strewn across the lounge.
Later that is AFTER I have put the rolling TV cabinet and all its viewable inners back in their spots.
Later that is AFTER I have tidied Lucy's room for the second time today - because she didn't feel like going to sleep - she felt like emptying her clothes drawers - her bookcase and her teddy bear basket.
Later that is AFTER I have put all my cross stitch patterns away - and the very expensive $20/Mt Aida cloth away, that she decided to use as a Zebra crossing while I sung the Wiggles song that says about crossing the road...(I suppose I should praise her for knowing how to cross the road...??!!)
Later that is AFTER I have been into my ensuite and cleaned up all the make-up that she has painted, and very artistically I might add, the cupboards with.
Later that is AFTER she has finished her two hour sleep-my two hours of solitary time out - now that she has finally deemed it time to go to sleep (55 mins after putting her to bed & 3 times of me going in getting cross!)
There must be some thing good I could find to say about having another one surely....!
The amazing thing is that we got home from grocery shopping at 12.25pm.... and I put her to bed at 1.55pm.... and she went to sleep at 2.50pm, so if my math is correct and its usually not but we will assume that it is - it only took her 2.5 hours to cause mammoth destruction to the house.
Oh joy - Oh rapture!