Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Stop! Rewind..... I didn't get a mention!
Put the bloody Commonwealth games back on....They forgot to give me my medal!
I have changed 5 Poo-ey nappies today!
Thats a Personal Best - and a World Record in the Hogan household.
Go on - play the National Anthem while I move my lips to look like I'm singing.
'Thankyou everyone, I could not have acheived this without the help of Lucy, my little friend Wil and some very strong bum wipes.....'
Friday, March 24, 2006
The Shedley....
Northern Light tonight are opening the "Wizard of Oz", and wow what a show it is.
I only got to see it from the really crappy TV in the top dressing room (more memories..) but it was still looking fantastic.
I was of course helping my mother with - yes - costumes.
A job that she very much loves and never tires of, although the remaining 5 members of her family seem to tire all too quickly.
Dont get me wrong, we all think that it is great that she has a hobby, a creative outlet, developed some wonderful friendships & is certainly not sitting at home waiting for "The Bill" to begin (does it ever end...?) - but it does get a little tricky when her whole life is consumed by them - her thoughts are consumed - the house - the car - her work - my house.....
Ahh but now it is all over, with her saying "thats the last show I'm doing"....for 6months - then its Grease, and then and then...
Well this wasnt meant to be a vent session - but it seems to have gone that way! Right well now thats out I shall move on.
The Shedley... Ahh my old stomping ground.
My early/late teenage years and also my early/late 20's, were spent in and around that building. So many years spent running up and down those concrete steps - with the same silly arrows that no one ever pays attention to!
So many years sliding down the banister to the (former) Brin Whiting Lounge, and sitting around the foyer eating huge triangles of pizza on the first Saturday show.... It all still makes me smile.
It doesnt really matter what show I go to see or am involved in, there is just something about the The Shedley that.... well softens my heart.
I just love being there.
PS Go see the show - and look out for the Lions Cape - I stitched those bloody flowers....
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Question Time....

Ever get the feeling that your day was going to go the same way his did?
NAME: Don Music
BIO/STATS: A frustrated, wild-haired composer.
APPEARANCES: Sesame Street
FAMOUS FOR: Getting taken off Sesame Street for banging his head on his piano keys and setting a bad example for the viewers.
SPECIAL TALENTS: Banging his head on his piano keys.
Here a few multiple choice questions for you to answer......
1/ What reduced this 30 year old mother to tears this morning?
a) A tantrum throwing almost two year old when she was told off for kicking said mother while nappy was being changed
b) A sock
2/ What reduced this 30 year old mother to tears this morning?
a) An almost two year old who 'REFUSED' to put her shoes on
b) Toast
3/ What reduced this 30 year old mother to tears this morning?
a) The iron will of an almost two year old who wanted to eat cereal while standing on a chair at the kitchen bench
b) A chair
4/ What reduced this 3 year old mother to tears this morning?
a) An almost two year old who wanted to 'stir' the bowl of washing up water with a sharp knife, who then "fell" on the floor screaming, writhing and crying crocodile tears when she was told not to play with the knife
b) A ruler
5/ What reduced this 30 year old mother to tears this morning?
a) An almost two year old who wiped snot down said mothers clean top - and then threw a tantrum because she was told not to do that.
b) Milk
6/ What reduced this 30 year old mother to tears this morning?
a) A 30 year old mother who got so cross that she smacked the almost two year old on the bottom and left a terrible red mark of 4 fingers..........
b) the fact that all of this happened before 8.30am!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Cancel all Search Parties.... I'm Back!
This is just a shortie as my 2 year old blonde alarm clock has just woken up, bugger. She is currently shouting "Where you" - so I guess I had better go.....
I'll be back to write more about the Hogans exciting adventures later.